The course btc usd these days. The current bitcoin (Bitcoin, BTC) exchange rate in US dollars (USD) is the most adequate indicator of the state of the market for this crypto currency and (to a degree) some other types of digital money. This categorical statement has weighty, objective evidence: All sales of Bitcoin are made only at the current exchange rate. Past courses, even yesterday, are history. The future is in the field of assumptions. Bitcoin is the leading, most significant and recognized crypto currency. The US dollar is the most widely used and widely used among all currencies emitted by states. The greatest influence on the rate of BTC is its supply and demand indicators on virtual exchanges. And the main volume of transactions for the exchange of bitcoins is just for its conversion into USD. Most of the materials on the bitcoin course are either limited to the statement that: ’the rate is determined by the ratio of supply and demand’, or explains the technical details of the calculation mechanism. Both may not seem very convenient. We also will not be able to describe the mechanisms of the formation of the course here. We note only that its value is affected by bids for the sale and purchase of BTC, and the transactions that have been made. The very mechanism of calculation remains a matter of dispute for specialists from the economy and computer disciplines. But the rate of bitcoin for today is a real value, because it is at this rate that you can exchange your bitcoins for more understandable money - US dollars. Also, at the current value, Bitcoin purchases real goods. 41871

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